Who we are?

We are a young and competitive company dedicated to becoming the leading company in the medical supply market, offering a comprehensive and diverse range of products including high-quality, modern and innovative devices and medicines.

Since our establishment, we have been growing rapidly thanks to our capabilities and com-mitment to our partners and customers. In a short period of time, we have become one of the most important suppliers of medical supplies and equipment in the Yemeni market. We have successfully represented prominent brands and established a record of achieve-ments.

We combine the technical expertise of major healthcare companies with the best-in-class ca-pabilities, providing complete sales, marketing, and supply chain solutions, from strategic planning to tactical execution. We aim to continue customer satisfaction and provide targeted support for the high-quality businesses we represent. We believe that the secret to continuous growth and progress is to remain committed to its founding principle of focusing on high values of healthcare and medical services.

Medical & medicine supplies
Maintenance of medical devices
Logistic services are provided

The scope of our activity

Our scope of activity is focused on enhancing the effectiveness of hospitals and healthcare centers in Yemen by providing the latest and most accurate technologies and devices in this field through cooperation with leading and most efficient medical companies in the world. We offer equipment management solutions that work to improve patient outcomes and reduce risks using the latest available technologies.

We are committed to providing comprehensive customer-directed solutions in the field of emergency and critical care units, operating room equipment, intensive care equipment, medical imaging system, laboratory equipment, consumables/detectors, early detection, dental unit, kidney dialysis machines and kidney dialysis materials and supplies, surgical in-struments, medical refrigerators and hospital furniture, beauty and skincare, solutions and chemicals, chemical laboratories, physical therapy equipment and educational laboratories.

Our ambition is to continuously expand our business scope in line with the institutions capabilities and market needs, based on a clear and accurate study, plans ,and programs for expansion, in order to select the best outstanding strategic partners.
